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Home: OTC and MoodleMoot SF 2009 Conference Attendees!
Picture of Admin User
OTC and MoodleMoot SF 2009 Conference Attendees!
by Admin User - Wednesday, December 21, 2011, 11:55 AM
If you participated in my Moodle Site Administration: Bringing Together Technology and Usability presentation at either
  • the Online Teaching Conference held at Cabrillo College in Aptos, CA on June 11-12th or
  • at the MoodleMoot San Francisco 2009 held at the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco, CA on June 17-19th,
To access this course:
  • username: mmoot09
  • password: join 

Thank you!

If you would like your own unique username and password to login to this course and participate (and also receive any updates to the course information), then please email me at:

mary at maryparke dot com

with your first name, last name, and preferred email address.

I will create you an account and email you your login credentials.

